(3:3 SALE) CODE: SP027 Standard Size Grade A (natural colour) Jade Bangle 58mm/16mm



📣📣📣FREE‼️ FREE‼️FREE MEMBERSHIP NOW‼️ JUST SIGN UP OR LOG IN OUR WEBSITE USING FACEBOOK TO GET MEMBER PRICE‼️ 🥳🥳🥳YOU CAN FOLLOW US AT FB https://www.facebook.com/mixnmatchworldjennifer ⌨️ MMW WEBSITE https://www.mixnmatchworld.store 📌ALL OUR ITEMS CAN PAY BY INSTALLMENT‼️ 🥳🥳🥳 (SEMUA BARANG KAMI BOLEH BAYAR INSTALLMENT‼️) FOR INSTALLMENT PLAN👉🏻please WhatsApp Jen www.wasap.my/60126589351 ✔️We still have a lot of other items not yet upload at our new website, you can WhatsApp for enquiry. You can also WhatsApp us to view this item video or photo NOTE: Crystal or Jade is different from glass beads or man-made beads which is perfectly no defect OR perfectly round. Crystal or Jade stone might have natural mineral deficiency or defect (What kind of deficiency or defect please view at photo)‼️Jade Bangle might have natural Jade line or dark spot according to quality & price. If you mind, please do not place your order‼️😊😊😊 (3:3 SALE) CODE: SP027 Standard Size Grade A (natural colour) Jade Bangle 58mm/16mm ✔️RM300.00 📌Reason jual murah: Clink clink clink‼️Bunyi sangat clink (cukup clink means jade bangle cukup keras & tak de crack) hanya corak dia kurang cantik nak kasi Lelong‼️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰NAK KASI SPECIAL NAK CLEAR STOCK‼️Usual price for this type kalau tak de jade line tak de dot dot R.m1600-1800 ✂️✂️✂️ADA DEFECT‼️ADA DEFECT‼️ADA DEFECT‼️ADA JADE LINE OR CORAK KURANG CANTIK‼️NOT FOR FUSSY CUSTOMER‼️🥰🥰🥰 📌Video can view at 👉🏻https://youtu.be/MB0RyveBGAI and https://youtube.com/shorts/AVp-25wj5TY and https://youtube.com/shorts/BoQN2lsqsRc 👉🏻If your hand size is around 20cm+-, you can wear standard size bangle 57mm/58m/59mm JADE ✅Jade is a stone that’s believed to bring in good luck, friendship, peace, and harmony. ✅Jade is a stone that will help you in the manifestation of your dreams into reality. ✅Jade is a stone of love. It is supportive of new love, and increases trustworthiness and fidelity. It also inspires love later in life. ✅Even if it’s a very receptive stone, Jade is also known as a protective stone because of its abilities to ward off the negative energies that surround you. ✅Some people have claimed that after they wear jade jewelry, they feel more calm and at peace. ✅For centuries, the jade stone has been believed to impose a phenomenal, positive force on people that instills good fortune and expels evil. ✅Jade mainly considered as a symbol of serenity, tranquility, and purity. ✅Jade is said to bring the wearer spiritual delight and eases stress. ✅Jade can absorb the elements of hot and cold, which makes it special. ✅Jade may feel cool when touched, and when pressed against the skin for a period of time, it can reduce body temperature. ✅Depending on what part of the body the jade is against, the stone’s ability to be cool can invigorate the flow of blood and promote blood circulation. ✅Jade makes the individual wearing it look attractive on the outside and the inside. ✅This is because the stone is believed to instill self-assurance, self-confidence and self-reliance in the person who dons it. ✅Jade is worn most commonly around the neck to be close to the heart for spiritual nourishment. ✅Jade is a very helpful stone that will support you in achieving your goals. ✅Jade will show you how you can become more creative and resourceful, and it will encourage you not to be held back by your self-imposed limitations. ✅As a travel stone, Jade prevents illness while on holiday, is beneficial for those traveling alone, and protects children and pets from straying or being hurt while on a journey. ✅People who suffer from stroke, high blood pressure, heart disease and numbness can gain some relief wearing jade. ⌨️www.mixnmatchworld.store 🎥YOUTUBE http://bit.ly/351JUhS 👉🏻TIK TOK https://www.tiktok.com/@mixnmatchworld 👍🏻fb Mix & Match World https://bit.ly/3v6kDic 👉🏻ADD US OR FOLLOW US @ Jennifer Lim (MixnmatchWorld Jennifer) https://bit.ly/2YNSMHG 👇🏻JOIN OUR GROUP “Gelang Jade murah-murah” https://bit.ly/3lA8leQ 📱Wechat/LINE/Instagram ID: mixnmatchworld www.wasap.my/60126589351 www.wasap.my/60126589351 www.wasap.my/60126589351

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