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CODE: HC003 Feng Shui Tiger Eye PIXIU (虎眼貔貅) Hanging Decoration
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Feng Shui Jade or Crystal can activate positive energy or break up negative energy. They can also help balance areas that lack light and color or have chaotic energy. Here are some tips to help get you started with using Feng Shui Jade or Crystal in your home. Feng Shui Jade or Crystal can be used effectively as feng shui cures to attract wealth into your home. As main door is considered the most important part of your home, doors play an important part in bringing in positive energy, chi into your home. This feng shui energy is used by the family which uplifts health, wealth and prosperity and heals relationships and replenishes the energy lost by going out daily. Here are some other places to hang Feng Shui Jade or Crystal: ✔️In a door to attract wealth into your home. ✔️In a window that has Sha Chi (煞气) energy directed at it ✔️In a long narrow hallway with little or no light ✔️In a dark corner that easily accumulates stagnant energy ✔️In an area of your house with too much chaotic energy, such as a small space with too many doors ✔️In areas that promote fast-moving chi (to slow down the movement), such as when front and back doors are aligned or where a staircase faces a door ✔️Between a stove and sink in the kitchen, to help promote harmony in this clash between fire (stove) and water (sink) ✔️In a missing corner, to help anchor energy and complete the missing corner ✔️Over a desk or other work area to improve concentration CODE: HC003 Feng Shui Tiger Eye PIXIU (虎眼貔貅) Hanging Decoration ✔️BUY 1👉🏻RM48.00 ✔️BUY 2👉🏻RM75.00 📌Video can view at👉🏻 📣📣📣Economy is too bad in previous years⁉️👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 ❌Can't save any money in your saving? The money that spend out is always faster than the money is in? ❌ There are a lot of villains (bad people) around, and everything is not going well? ❌No business luck? No customer luck? No winning lottery luck? ❌Always not feeling well, no mood or sick? No energy to work or fight for your business? Want to change your luck⁉️👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 ✔️Improve your wealth and business luck ✔️Promotion in the profession, gambling and lottery ✔️ To assist the wearer in dissolving conflicts in relationships ✔️ Avoid evil and avoid bad magnetic fields ✔️ Avoid danger and obstacles ✔️Enchant friends and admirers and willing customers ✔️Attract people Increase your business sales Pamper yourself with a PIXIU CAR ORNAMENT OR PIXIU BRACELET‼️ WHY PIXIU IS SO POWERFUL & GOOD⁉️ PIXIU attract wealth, PIXIU ONLY EAT (ONLY IN) & NEVER THROW OUT (NEVER OUT) HANYA MAKAN & TAK BERAK‼️🥳🥳🥳 ✅Pixiu is said to have a voracious appetite towards only gold, silver and jewels. ✅Therefore, traditionally to the Chinese, Pixiu has always been regarded as an auspicious creature that possessed mystical powers capable of drawing Cai Qi (財氣 wealth) from all directions. ✅Because of this, according to Chinese zodiac, it is especially helpful for those who are going through a bad year. ✅Pixiu craves the smell of gold and silver and it likes to bring his master money in his mouth. ✅Statues of this creature are often used to attract wealth in feng shui. ✅The Pixiu is probably one of the most popular Feng Shui items in the market. ✅Resembling a winged lion, it is particularly influential and auspicious in creating and maintaining wealth. ✅Pixiu, is a Chinese mythical hybrid creature, commonly, but incorrectly referred to in the West by the Greek word "chimera", and considered a powerful protector of practitioners of Feng Shui. ✅Pixiu resembles a strong, winged lion. Pixiu is an earth and sea variation, particularly an influential and auspicious creature for wealth. TIGER EYE ✅Tiger Eye is a money stone because it gives you the motivation to make it happen. Wear Tiger Eye for inspiration when you get stuck in a negative thought pattern. ✅Tiger Eye is a golden stone. It’s an excellent stone to have with you if you’re looking to increase your wealth, boost your money flow, or create more opportunities for growth or expansion. ✅Tiger Eye can bring in abundance and prosperity to your life . Keep Tiger Eye as a stone of luck and good fortune to attract a steady flow of money to the home. ✅Tiger Eye will also improve your sense of self-worth. Tiger Eye will help you become an ambassador of goodwill, helping others and inspiring them to be an agent of change and make the world a better place.' ✅It is ideal for entrepreneurs and those setting out in business for the first time; also for those building up skills and a knowledge base for major career changes in the future. ✅Tiger Eye will be the perfect stone for you to restore the equilibrium in your life. Tiger Eye is also a stone of protection which can avoid from bad people or backstabber. ✅Tiger Eye is also a good stone to have to release your fears and anxieties. It’s the stone that can give you courage, strength of mind, and self-confidence to tackle anything that will come your way. ✅Tiger Eye will help you accomplish your goals because your focus and creativity will be greatly enhanced. You will be filled with confidence and optimism, and all feelings of lack or being incomplete will be dispelled. ✅Use as a support stone for determination and to overcome fear during exams, competitions, public performances, selling one’s creations in the market place, or presenting ideas in important meetings. ✅Wear or carry Tiger Eye for increasing insight and perception in unfamiliar places or circumstances, and for protection from the negative intentions of others. ✅Tiger Eye sharpens the senses, helping one pay attention to details and prepare for positive action. ✅Tiger Eye reflects an overview of situations and assists when things are happening too fast. It is one of the best aids for resolving a crisis, and provides perfect support when one is afraid of making a wrong decision. ✅Tiger Eye use for quick thinking, sizing up someone’s character, and for realizing the consequences of one’s own actions. ✅Tiger Eye is a stone of practicality and balance, remarkable for soothing tensions in families and relationships where differences of opinion or expression are causing discord. ✅Tiger Eye promotes harmony between people with diverse viewpoints, religious beliefs or approaches to life to see both sides of an issue and find common ground. ✅Not only is tigers eye a stone that can amplify the energies of other stones that it comes in contact with, but its healing energies can also heal sickness or alleviate pains in the human body. ✅Tiger Eye can benefit those who are suffering from mental health problems or personality disorders. ✅Tiger Eye will help in resolving mental conflicts by integrating the energies in your brain and making you think more clearly. ✅Tiger Eye also good in clearing sinus congestions and easing vision problems. ✅Tiger Eye will help increase metabolism and keep your energy levels up. TIGER EYE ✅Tiger Eye adalah batu wang kerana ia memberi anda motivasi untuk merealisasikannya. Pakai Tiger Eye untuk inspirasi apabila anda terperangkap dalam corak pemikiran negatif. ✅Tiger Eye ialah batu keemasan. Ia adalah batu yang sangat baik untuk dimiliki bersama anda jika anda ingin meningkatkan kekayaan anda, meningkatkan aliran wang anda atau mencipta lebih banyak peluang untuk pertumbuhan atau pengembangan. ✅Tiger Eye boleh membawa kelimpahan dan kemakmuran dalam hidup anda. Pastikan Tiger Eye sebagai batu tuah dan nasib baik untuk menarik aliran wang yang berterusan ke rumah. ✅Tiger Eye juga akan meningkatkan rasa harga diri anda. Tiger Eye akan membantu anda menjadi duta muhibah, membantu orang lain dan memberi inspirasi kepada mereka untuk menjadi agen perubahan dan menjadikan dunia tempat yang lebih baik.' ✅Ia sesuai untuk usahawan dan mereka yang pertama kali memulakan perniagaan; juga bagi mereka yang membina kemahiran dan asas pengetahuan untuk perubahan kerjaya utama pada masa hadapan. ✅Tiger Eye akan menjadi batu yang sempurna untuk anda memulihkan keseimbangan dalam hidup anda. Tiger Eye juga merupakan batu perlindungan yang boleh mengelak daripada orang jahat atau tikam belakang. ✅Tiger Eye juga merupakan batu yang baik untuk melepaskan ketakutan dan kebimbangan anda. Ia adalah batu yang boleh memberi anda keberanian, kekuatan minda, dan keyakinan diri untuk menangani apa sahaja yang akan menghampiri anda. ✅Tiger Eye akan membantu anda mencapai matlamat anda kerana tumpuan dan kreativiti anda akan dipertingkatkan. Anda akan dipenuhi dengan keyakinan dan keyakinan, dan semua perasaan kekurangan atau tidak lengkap akan dihilangkan. ✅Gunakan sebagai batu sokongan untuk keazaman dan untuk mengatasi ketakutan semasa peperiksaan, pertandingan, persembahan awam, menjual hasil ciptaan seseorang di pasaran, atau menyampaikan idea dalam mesyuarat penting. ✅Pakai atau bawa Tiger Eye untuk meningkatkan wawasan dan persepsi di tempat atau keadaan yang tidak dikenali, dan untuk perlindungan daripada niat negatif orang lain. ✅Tiger Eye menajamkan deria, membantu seseorang memberi perhatian kepada butiran dan bersedia untuk tindakan positif. ✅Tiger Eye menggambarkan gambaran keseluruhan situasi dan membantu apabila perkara berlaku terlalu pantas. Ia adalah salah satu bantuan terbaik untuk menyelesaikan krisis, dan memberikan sokongan yang sempurna apabila seseorang takut membuat keputusan yang salah. ✅Penggunaan Tiger Eye untuk berfikir cepat, mengukur watak seseorang, dan untuk menyedari akibat daripada tindakan sendiri. ✅Tiger Eye ialah batu kepraktisan dan keseimbangan, yang luar biasa untuk meredakan ketegangan dalam keluarga dan perhubungan di mana perbezaan pendapat atau ekspresi menyebabkan perselisihan. ✅Tiger Eye menggalakkan keharmonian antara orang yang mempunyai pelbagai sudut pandangan, kepercayaan agama atau pendekatan kehidupan untuk melihat kedua-dua belah isu dan mencari titik persamaan. ✅Bukan sahaja mata harimau adalah batu yang boleh menguatkan tenaga batu lain yang bersentuhan dengannya, tetapi tenaga penyembuhannya juga boleh menyembuhkan penyakit atau mengurangkan kesakitan pada tubuh manusia. ✅Tiger Eye boleh memberi manfaat kepada mereka yang mengalami masalah kesihatan mental atau gangguan personaliti. ✅Tiger Eye akan membantu dalam menyelesaikan konflik mental dengan mengintegrasikan tenaga dalam otak anda dan membuat anda berfikir dengan lebih jelas. ✅Tiger Eye juga bagus dalam membersihkan kesesakan resdung dan mengurangkan masalah penglihatan. ✅Tiger Eye akan membantu meningkatkan metabolisme dan mengekalkan tahap tenaga anda. ⌨️ 🎥YOUTUBE 🎶Tik Tok mixnmatchworld 👍🏻fb Mix & Match World 👉🏻ADD US OR FOLLOW US @ Jennifer Lim (MixnmatchWorld Jennifer) 👇🏻JOIN OUR GROUP “Gelang Jade murah-murah” 📱Wechat/LINE/Instagram ID: mixnmatchworld #fyp #foryourpage #weselljewelries #jewelriesonlineshop #jewelryshop #wesellcrystalandjade #crystalandjade #crystal #kristal #jade #bangle #allkindeofbangleandcrystal #jewelry #PIXIUITEMS #PIXIUCARORNAMENT #pixiubracelet #pixiucrystalbracelet
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